...we're getting ready to open the doors again soon.

Explore With Jator

“In 10 weeks Jator has taught me more than 25 years of therapy. ”

I have thought a lot about what to say about Jator would like it to sound smart and clever. But it’s not possible to find words describing what this man have done to my mind my emotions and most important my heart. In 10 weeks he has taught me more than 25 years of therapy. Jator has shown me how to smile have fun and laugh. For the first time I feel free

Explore With Jator

“And to all the group members, you were all amazing!”

There are so many things I want to say THANK YOU for, Jator, but the main one is teaching me the language that you use, the language of kindness, the language of recognition, of invitation, of compassion. The self talk and to others! That was the key for me and I will always keep it safe and make as many copies to all people as I can touch!! And to all the group members, you were all amazing! So open, so vulnerable, caring, brave... it has been an honour to be part of that group and learn from you and with you. You are part of my rock foundation too! Thank you! It's a bit of ranting and messy but it is all from my heart.

Explore With Jator

“Thank you Jator for the honesty, authenticity and the love”

Dear Jator and all you Restore sisters and brothers Thank you! I love this space where we have played for the last 10 weeks. Even though this it is the end, I feel a new beginning. I don´t see it clearly yet, but ”there´s no rush”. I´m on day 39 and still healing and defrosting my frozen parts, but I am on my way home to my self Thank you Jator for the honesty, authenticity and the love. I´ve learned so much from you and hope to learn more from you in the future. I´m so grateful for being introduced to you and your work: Thank you all for the openness, the vulnerability and the courage. Let´s go play with life.

Explore With Jator

“Jator is a fantastic coach!”

It has been a great experience for me, to anticipate in Restore sixty and explore deeper, what is healthy for me to eat and drink - and at the same time been working with underlying emotional issues..... Jator is a fantastic coach and I love his humble, not judgemental and exploring approach to life